Saturday, July 3, 2010

I am moving to the moon!

I know it has been forever since I last posted. 
We are moving, and on a sort-of vacation...visiting family and slowly heading towards Virginia (our new home).  I can't even begin to describe the amount of stress I've been under, so many little things everyday.  Not being in my own home with my own things, trying to keep the kids happy as we drag them all over the Southwest, not having time to do the things I enjoy... like reading and blogging (they really do help me relax and de-stress).  I am loving every minute of it, honestly I do, I am so thankful that we are able to travel like this and spend time together as a family....but it is also wearing me pretty thin.  Oh! And the junk food, so much junk food!  Soda for our road trips, fast food drive-thrus so we can get in a couple more hours of driving, and of-corse my Momma's and Granny's home cooked food.  
I have been gaining so much weight!  
Sad face.
We went to the Space and Air Museum, in Alamagordo New Mexico yesterday.  
I paid 25¢ to find out that I weighed 226.3 pounds!
Holy freaking cow!
That is too much.
Another sadder face.
I also found out that I would weigh 88.6 pounds on the moon.
I think I am moving to the moon now.