Thursday, February 18, 2010

The one where I tell you I am going to start over on my diet (really this time), but only after Clark's birthday cake is all gone.

Ugh. Meh. Blah. Gah. Bitch. Moan.
I need to get my butt back in gear. I have gained more wieght. 208lbs!
It makes me so sad... but I guess not sad enough to actually do anything about it. I hate being fat, I hate it. I am so embarrassed all the time, and I don't ever feel like MYSELF.

I am really wanting to start over this coming week. I am so tired of telling myself I am going to, and then not. So, this Monday I am going to do it. I know I will feel so much better, whether I have success or not, as long as I am trying.

I also want to plan to run a 5k this summer. I am not sure which one yet, cause we will be in the process of moving. But I am going to find one tomorrow (so stayed tuned).

My new workout/running routine will be:
Walk 1/2 mile, then run 1/2 mile-for 2 weeks.
Walk 1/2 mile, then run 1 mile-for 3 weeks.
Walk 1/2 mile, then run 1 1/2 miles-for 2 weeks.
Walk 1/2 mile, then run 2 miles-for 3 weeks.
Walk 1/2, then run for 2 1/2 miles-for 2 weeks.
As so on until I get up to 5 miles. After that I will re-evaluate my training, and maybe find a longer race... half marathon??!!

Ok, here I go...AGAIN.
I am so tired of starting over, and quitting.

1 comment:

  1. I tried the 1/2 mile thing and I just got to tired and couldn't go very far. Instead I walk 2 minutes run 2 minutes walk 1.5 minutes run 3 minutes etc. I mix it up like that for 30 minutes. It is making your body try to guess what you are doing that makes your metabolism respond better and faster. I also try to do some jump roping and weight training (I like resistant bands a lot more than weights) a couple times a week. If you are hungry at night eat vegetables (green ones are best). You should be able to eat them as much as you can. I hope you find these suggestions helpful. It seems to work for me but I am always looking for that magic pill so I don't have to exercise - I hate it!
    Terri Mitchell
