Monday, March 29, 2010

Uninspired...and then maybe a little inspired.

I have been so UNINSPIRED lately.  I don't feel like doing anything.  Everything is a chore, everything.  I don't want to read.  I don't want to blog.  I don't want to take pictures.  Last, but not least...I don't want to work out.  Unfortunately, I do want to eat...and sleep.
I take Zoloft for my depression.  I HATE taking it, but it does help, a lot.  I have recently ran out of my last prescription, and I know my body is just adjusting.  I have decided to not take anything for awhile.  I want to fight this the old fashion way... working out, being active and productive and eating better (Tom Cruise would be so proud).  I am going to start working out twice a day.  It might involve walking Clark to and from school, my workout video, or just hoofin' it on the treadmill...but I will be doing it twice a day.

Over the weekend I watched this new show, Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution.  I am all about eating fresh, home cooked meals.  I nag Jason almost constantly about how much processed food, and take out we eat and feed the boys, and how much I HATE it. I only managed to get Jason to watch half of the show with me...BUT I did convince him to let me redo our dinner menus and limit our eating out to twice a month.  Also, no more soda in the house, no more chicken nuggets and ramen for the boys, or cookies, hotdogs or mac and cheese.  I am going to cook all our meals from scratch.  They are not going to be happy, especially Clark, who likes to have Ramen for breakfast...but it is SO important that we do this as a family.

So, here I am hopelessly uninspired.  Trying little by little to get inspired. I need to do something.  Anything.  I am getting plumpier and chubbier.  Seriously, I went to the doctor over the weekend and I weigh...212 lbs!  I want to be healthy again and fit.  I want to run and have energy.  I want to change myself, better myself and maybe, just maybe inspire someone else.


  1. It is such a good idea, you can do it! I have been working on menu planning for almost a year now and it has gotten our food budget under control. We were spending $1000 a month on groceries and still eating out way too much, which is tons more moola. I'm down to about $500-600 a month and we eat out 1-2 times a month. We've cut tons of junk food, but unfortunately not enough...and I just can't fully get rid of soda. Robert needs it for the caffiene, but I'm a coffee drinker so I don't yet I am still drinking it! I saw the previews for the food revolution show and think it is an amazing idea! I've have been making the kids lunches for awhile and only letting them get hot lunch occasionally as a treat. Getting the whole family on healthy eating will be good for everyone and make it easier to stay on track. I use Robert as an excuse way too much... "the soda is for Robert, the ice cream is for him, the cookies are only for lunches, blah blah blah :P"

    So now I'm rambling...sorry.

  2. I am totally with you. All I want to do lately is sleep. I sleep all night and don't want to get up in the morning, but do it grudgingly and grumpily. Then a few hours later I want to go back to sleep. I haven't been exercising since we got back from Orlando and I know that is part of the problem. I just don't have the energy to do it. I would rather nap!!
