Friday, November 19, 2010


I have been feeling so poofy and bloated lately.
 I think it is because I have started drinking soda again.
Gasp! Shame. I know.
I know it is bad for me.  I know I shouldn't drink it.
But, the caffeiney goodness is just too good to pass up.
Not to mention I feel like a zombie most of the day if I don't have my morning Dew.
But alas, I am not liking this new extra poofy-ness.  
So, I have 9 cans left.  I will be rationing them out for the rest of them week, 
then I am DONE.
Yo, for reals this time.

(Please don't remind me that I have said this a million times before.)

I am gonna need all the help I can get if I am really going to run that 5k early next year.
I will miss you, are my BFF,
and I really don't know how I am going to get on without you.
 Um... yea, I really don't.  Do ya'll have any suggestions???

1 comment:

  1. I suggest an excedrin in the morning to ward off the caffeine headache that hits me whenever I decide to give up soda. Good luck!
