Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I really need to lose some weight...

she says, as she eats Oreo cookies and sips a nice frosty one (diet Coke that is).

I am missing that thing, that key ingredient most people have and use to accomplish their goals...I think it is called stick-to-itiveness.

Needless to say, I am having a hard time staying on track for longer than a day or two at the most.  Yesterday was great, I even ralked (oh, that is my word for running and walking) on the treadmill.  But today has been a total disaster.  I don't know what keeps me from making the wise food choices I should be making.  No impulse control, maybe some emotional eating (I eat when I am bored or happy...it is a REALLY good thing I don't like to eat when I am mad or frustrated, a really good thing) or Jason always buying junk food even when I beg him not too.  Who knows...but I really need to lose some weight.  

1 comment:

  1. One day at a time. Hang in there, you can do it. Your boys need you, fat or skinny, but you'll feel better skinny.
