Thursday, September 10, 2009

Mind Set

One week soda and caffeine free!!!  The headaches aren't so bad anymore, and I have been fine drinking water and crystal light.  I miss it, my life is so sad without diet coke.  It was the one treat I always allowed myself...but I am sticking to it.

I am going to, once again, renew my efforts to get up in the morning before the kiddos.  There is just no time, or energy to do it in the evening when Jason gets home.  Even if the first couple days all I do it get up to read or eat breakfast, at least I will be getting up, then I can work on convincing myself to workout.

I am also planning on starting a detox diet.  It seems pretty straight forward, and not too strict...lots of lean protein and veggies.  I am putting off starting it until after my parents come to visit, and Harry's birthday...because I don't want any excuses to cheat.  I have been following it loosely now, slowly preparing myself.  But in a couple weeks I will be going hard core.

I have this mind set that I can do my work and diets, and then  go back to all the food and junk the my heart loves so much.  I know that is wrong.  I know it is about a total life style makeover.  Which I guess is why it is so hard to get started, and stay focused (especially when you are the only one in your life trying to do the changing).  I wish I could get Jay to do things with me.  He is like that naughty little red devil sitting on my shoulder, saying lets go get some food at Wendy's or how about steaks and homemade fries for dinner.  He is always about food, and lots of it.  He always SAYS that he supports me, but it is hard to get him to do the things I really need, like being excited for chicken salads for dinner and passing the ice cream isle (no matter how good the sale on Breyer's is).  Mind over matter...I just need to remind myself what I really want, lots and lots of reminding.  

I am also shopping around for my first race.  I think there is the Great Aloha Run in February.  It is a 10k, and I am pretty sure that if I don't procrastinate any longer I can be ready in time!!!

Go, fight, win!!!

1 comment:

  1. April, Try the flavor packs that Propel makes. The ones I've tried taste pretty good and they don't have Aspartame like Crystal Light. Keep up the good work. Love you, Aunt Pam
