I overwhelm myself too easily. Way too easily. I am not happy with things being just okay, I want it to be awesome, perfect...the best I can do. Which does sound REALLY weird saying, because I am not a perfectionist at all (not even close), I just want to be able to do it all, and do it well.
Lately, I have been piling up everything on my plate, way too much...without even thinking about how I would be able to do any of it.
I have been working tirelessly trying to stay on top of the wretched sugar ants that have taken over my kitchen, and all the other household chores I have to do (freaking laundry in the bane of my existence). I have been trying to find time to motivate myself to work out, when all I want to do is curl up in a ball and sleep. I want to read, I want to sew, I want to watch re-runs of Criminal Minds ALL DAY LONG, and I really want a diet coke and slice of pizza, with extra pepperoni. I want, I want, I want.
So, in a effort to lessen the amount of THINGS on my plate, I am starting over. I am not going to count my calories and obsess over every type of food I eat, I am just going to try eat smaller portions. I am going to be OKAY with just working out for 15-20 minutes, as long as I do it everyday....okay every other day. I am giving up my caffeine and soda, yet again (but this time for GOOD, I am serious).
I am just going to start small. Do one thing at a time, and not worry about all the things I am not doing. I am going to take baby steps...baby steps to that spin class, baby steps to no more sugar (and pepperoni pizza), baby steps to running three miles, baby steps. And I am not going to beat my self up when I can't do it all in one week, or even one month. I think my new mantra needs to be something like...Rome wasn't built in a day, or all great things take time.
I can, and will do it. (I am still trying to convince myself.)
ps. This is day 2 of no soda for me, and day 3 of working out everyday.