Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Its too hard.

Well, it is Day 2.
Yesterday I did NOT keep to my diet or do any working out.  Boo. (I did however stay off soda, so that is good).
Today... so far so good.  I am staying on track as far as my diet goes.  And I even attempted my Jillian Michaels workout video, which by the way was total HELL.  It is 20 minutes of intense strength training, cardio, and ab workouts.  She has you do multiple moves at once, like squats with bicep curls.  Nice in theory, not awesome when you have to do it.  I couldn't even finish the whole workout, I felt like throwing up.  I knew I was out of shape, but didn't realize how bad it was.  It is way bad.  I don't know how I am going to do this everyday.  I feel sick and weak, like a giant wobbly jelly roll (which by the way, makes me think of jelly rolls and now I am hungry). Just thinking of having to do it again tomorrow makes me want to cry.  I though exercising was supposed to give you more energy, I feel like I can hardly move, and I am so drained.
I am determined.  I really am.  I am going to keep the goals I made, don't ask me how. I just wish that I didn't feel like it was so impossible.


  1. In the beginning, you don't have to do the bicept curls with the squats...that's for advanced exercisers.(he,he,he) Take your time easing into those exercises so you won't be too sore to move. And stretch!

  2. Looks like someone should have gotten out of bed when she was told!

  3. Only do the video 2-3 days a week for a few weeks to start out than add 1 more day in each week. If you can't do the bicep curls and the squats at the same time than that is okay - you need to work up to that. Jillian is hard core and that video is a killer!!

