Sunday, April 4, 2010

Weekly Weigh-In and Goals

Weekly Weigh-In
215 lbs.
How is it possible that I gained 3 pounds, especially since I cut out soda and half the junk that I eat.  Boo!
I really wish I had a more accurate, digital scale.

Goals Kept This Week:
I spent all week getting off of soda...

Next Weeks Goal:
1. Walk 3 miles (or more) per day, at least 5 days out of the week.
2. Do my Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred video, at least 6 days out of the week.
3. Do my detox diet (link on the side bar). No cheating!
4. Stay OFF of soda and sugary all beverages, except Crystal Light.
5. Drink LOTS of water.

Alright, here I go.


  1. You can do it April!

    You're going to have to let me know about the 30 day shred. I did one of her 15 minute workouts from Video on Demand and it kicked my butt bad - I should probably do it again, but I'm afraid...

    And GOOD JOB GETTING OFF THE SODA!!!!!! You can leave it behind! Lemonade, iced tea, water, are all better than soda (says the person who needs to quit again :P)

  2. Those are great goals!!! If I run on my treadmill one day than I walk the next day taking 2 days off a week. I found that if I tried to workout to much in one day without a break my body started to hurt. You need to give yourself a little break to let your body heal itself - I hope that made sense. I tried so hard to stay away from Dr Pepper but couldn't. I will have one at lunch but that is all. I won't buy it to have at home. We are all rooting for you!!!!!! Terri
