Thursday, July 9, 2009

Where to start?

I feel like I am standing at the bottom of an incredibly tall and rocky mountain.  It is a little cloudy and dark so I can't even see the top, but I know it is high and steep.  It's one of those mountains that takes your breath away with just thought of having to climb it.  I can see a couple trails, but they look too daunting, long and curvy, steep and just impossible.  I don't know where to start, where to put that first step.  I know it is NOT going to be a short journey, it is gonna take me forever and I know I am going to have to start over a million times (just like I already did this morning, when I had Pepsi and Cheetos for breakfast).  But where do I start?

I need to start small, little goals.  Something not too impossible for me to keep.  Day by day seems too tedious...and besides I don't have enough time to log on everyday and chart my progress (and not even I want to read about everything I ate for the day-blah).  A friend once told me that losing weight is 80% what you eat and only 20% exercise.  Which is kinda good news, cause I loathe to exercise...but I am really gonna need to work on what and HOW MUCH I eat.

So, I think my first two goals will be:

First, to limit the amount of food I eat.  Smaller meals, six times a day (unlike my smaller meals 10-12 times a day that I manage to eat now).  I am not going to worry too much about what I do eat (for now) but will try to keep it all fresh and the least amount of sugar as possible.  My biggest problem when it comes to food is I like to eat too much.  I love to cook these huge meals, huge, and I pile my plate.  Nothing makes me happier and content than a warm full stomach.  I need to find someway to be content with less, smaller portions.  So for the next couple weeks, I will work on having smaller portions.  I will also do some research on calorie counting.  I know how to count calories if I get my food from the box, but not really if I make my food from scratch (which I like to do).  I will also figure out how many calories I am going to eat a day.  I am not sure if I am gonna try a certain diet or what.  I have never really had any luck with diets...but certain things will have to go.

Second, walking.  I hate to exercise, I HATE it.  I never feel better when I do, I only feel tired and hot and sweaty.  I can think of a million other things I would rather be doing.  But nothing is ever going to be accomplished (least of all my dream to run a marathon) if I don't get off my butt sooner or later.   I am gonna start with 3-5 miles, 4 days a week, and only walking for now (later I will add running...I actually have a routine worked out -for the marathon- but it is gonna take a while to get there).  One of the hard things in my house is WHEN can I even find the time to exercise.  Jason gets home so late, right when it is time to start cooking dinner an winding down for the night.  I would love to be able to go out during the day, but we live in a dangerous traffic neighborhood, with no sidewalks, and I can't imagine a worse place to try walking with a double stroller.  So evenings it must be, and I am going to start today.

Well, those are my little goals, my baby steps.  Just for the next couple weeks, until (hopefully) they become habits.  Habits I can slowly build upon, until I reach the top of this impossible mountain.

1 comment:

  1. There are websites you can go to that will help you count calories. And they have just about any type of food already in their systems. Most of them are free. And it really is all about your portions. You can eat whatever you want as long as it is in moderation. And don't eat late! You aren't supposed to eat anything like 5 hours before you go to bed, or maybe it is 6. But that is huge as well. I don't eat past 8, because hours before I go to bed is 4. And Cody isn't even home from work yet. It is gonna be hard, but I know you can do it! Your strong like that! And you can exercise around your house. Do lunges while you vacuum and if you always walk with your butt and stomach tight, it works them as well. Do crunches or something during commercials. I know it is hard, Reese crawls on top of me too when I get on the floor. But there is always something you can do just being at home. There is probably a web site for exercising while cleaning! GOOD LUCK!
