Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Square One

I feel like I am all the way back at square one again.  I had a great week last week...not very much working out, but otherwise keeping on track.  Then came the weekend, and my birthday, and now I am officially off the wagon (and enjoying a lovely plate of french fries and chicken nuggets while I am at it).  Why when I cheat, or over indulge do I take so long to get back to the plan?  I know life it gonna be full of slip-ups and starting over....but does it really need to be this daunting for me.  Geez, it was just a day...ok mostly the whole weekend, but I really didn't go overboard as much as I could have.  
I am still not doing well with the working out.  Nothing!  Combine my hatred for anything not involving sitting on the couch, or at the beach, and my lack of free time...I have plenty of two kids hanging all over me time, or chores up my butt time, I just have NO free time.  Does vacuuming twice a day count as  exercise...cause most days that is what I have to do, and I do work up a sweat.  
So, once again back to square one.  And hoping to stay on the wagon for more than a week this time.

Stay tuned for my before pictures and weight...oh yea, I am gonna get on a scale, let's all pray it doesn't break.


  1. Hey birthday girl! Get on the scale right away. You will never know how far you 've come if you don't know where you are coming from! I have been doing this and when I get up in the morning and can see that I am up a pound (or 5) I know I need to alter what I am doing. It is never imediate though. I hate weighing myself and have lost weight and then a day later I am up 6 pounds! But it takes a day or two for all those cookies I ate to show up. Oh, and get really good running shoes. I ended up with the WORST shin splits and physical therapy after my mini triathalon 2 years ago from just having not good shoes: read, expensive!

  2. Vacuuming does count. All house work does.
