Monday, October 5, 2009

Detox Day 1

I stayed on the diet all day, and did not cheat (Ok, I lied.  I cheated a very little...but I could've cheated worse-Jay went to Wendy's- and once I cheated, I got right back on track instead of ruining the rest of the day).  I was hungry a lot, and it did take a lot of convincing  not to snack or drink things not on the list.  And eating broccoli with out salt, SUCKS!  But overall, not a bad day.  

I didn't get up early to work out, Clark was up all night sick, but I did jog on the treadmill tonight (and having my shows on the dvr to jog along to really helped me stay focused, and run for longer).

I have a feeling the next few days are really going to suck, as my body starts to have sugar withdrawls and I tire of eating veggies and chicken (with NO salt!).  But I am staying strong.

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